jueves, 28 de agosto de 2008

Laurie Lipton

La señorita muerta sale en las noches a visitar a sus jóvenes amantes dormidos. Chasquea los dientes como castañuelas en sus oídos para recordarles que ella no se ha ido.
Really creepy good art by Lauri Lipton at www.laurielipton.com

We are energy

"The body is a language before language. When made still in sculpture it can be a witness to life and it can talk about this time now. We can use the space of art to face ourselves."
This is a sculpture of Antony Gormley. Art is about movement and we only exist when in motion.
Visit his very complete website and check out specially the relationship between the spectators and the sculptures in the work "Domain Field" http://www.antonygormley.com/home.html

martes, 26 de agosto de 2008

Segundo de Chomón.

Special effects, stop motion, beautiful scenography, action and fantasy, wear your headphones put some instrumental music on (anything that you like) or just enjoy the silence and take a look at this selection of Segundo Chomón's movies.